Kids & youth

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’

Matthew 19:14

We’d love to welcome you with your little one(s). Please find below more information on our children’s ministry.


During our services parents with babies or toddlers are welcome to make use of the crèche room. There you will find lots of toys and books. There are loud speakers in this room, which make it possible for you to follow the service.

Crèche room with toys and books


School-age children are invited to take part in our Sunday Club (during the sermon). We will read and talk about famous Bible stories, do crafts, sing songs etc. These activities are organised by our dedicated Sunday Club team to enable parents to stay in the main hall and listen to the sermon.

Sunday Club does not take place on the second Sunday of each month and the children stay in the main meeting. There will be no organised activities but we will ensure that the content of the sermon is appropriate for children, and there will also be an engaging children’s talk.

Calvary Youth (CY) group

Takes place each Monday evening – for secondary school age youngsters. Please contact