Brighton is a very student-friendly city with lots of facilities for leisure, culture, and education.
If you are researching coming to Brighton as a student – then hello! We hope that your time here will be enjoyable and enriching. It would be great to meet you!
A long experience
For many years we have had privilege of ministering to students in Brighton, from both Brighton and Sussex Universities and the local language schools.

We are still in touch with many ex-students, British and international, who settled at Calvary during a very formative time of their lives, and who have gone on to serve the Lord all over the world, as pastors, theologians, missionaries, academics – or whatever role they were called to.
For student enquiries please email us.
Formative years
Your years at university are likely to be the most significant of your life. They provide an opportunity to set the direction for future life and to figure out who you are and who you are going to be. Many people become Christians during their time at university, and being a Christian student presents unique opportunities for spreading the gospel.
Vital to get involved with a church
It’s vital for Christian students to get involved in a church. There are plenty of good churches in Brighton and Hove, but it’s certainly best to choose one rather than float around.
What can Calvary offer?
Here are some things that characterize student life at Calvary:
- Hospitality. Relationships are vital for the growth of any Christian, so we love to make our students feel welcome. This certainly involves food, and students are often invited back to someone’s house on Sundays, or go out together to a local eatery.
- Spending time with non-students! There is an obvious “family-like” feel to our church, with people of widely different ages and backgrounds mixing together. By getting involved in the life of the church, our students receive a healthy exposure to the “real world”: a refreshing break from campus life and excellent preparation for “real life”, which is rumoured to exist after university.
- Solid teaching. Students are above all to be students of God’s word. We grow nearer to God as we engage our minds in thinking about him. Our style of teaching reflects these convictions.
- Training in apologetics. We encourage our students to get involved in their university’s Christian Union, particularly as a means of reaching out to other students. We have a particular passion to help students talk about the Christian gospel in a way that is relevant, true, culturally aware and attractive.
How to get to us
Our building is within easy walking distance of the student-filled areas of town and it’s easy to reach us from Falmer. (See our directions page for a map and more details.)
USCU – University of Sussex Christian Union
UBCU: see Facebook ‘University of Brighton Christian Union’
Brighton and Sussex Medical School Medic’s Christian Union