Creation or evolution: do we have to choose?

Sincere, Bible-believing Christians often have sharply different views on the issue of creation and evolution. Some hold that evolution was God’s method of creation, and that Christians have nothing to fear from modern science. Others argue that the evolutionary narrative cannot be reconciled with the biblical narrative, and seek to build a scientific model of earth history based on a young-age reading of the Bible.

Join us to explore the issues as we welcome two speakers, one answering “yes” and the other answering “no” to the question posed in the title.

Saturday 15 May 2010, 7-9pm (coffee and doughnuts from 6.45pm)

Dr Steve Lloyd is pastor of Hope Baptist Church, Gravesend, and a part-time speaker and writer for Biblical Creation Ministries. He gained his doctorate in Materials Science from Cambridge University, where he was also involved in post-doctoral research, including four years as a Royal Society University Research Fellow. Steve is married to Hannah and they have four young children.

Dr Ard Louis is a Reader in Theoretical Physics and a Royal Society University Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, where he leads an interdisciplinary research group studying problems on the border between chemistry, physics and biology. He is the International Secretary for Christians in Science and an associate of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion.

To chair the discussion we welcome Prof. Richard Vincent, who was Associate Dean of the Brighton and Sussex Medical School until his retirement in 2008.

Bethinking talk audio