A Passsion for Life, Easter 2014

Near Easter we’ll be joining in with a lot of other churches in the venture called “A Passion for Life”

We’re looking forward to offering anyone and everyone a chance to get to know what the Bible really says one-to-one.



We’re using an initiative called The Word One-to-One in which people have the chance to spend one hour over a cup of coffee looking for themselves into John’s gospel.


 “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God …”

There is no hard-sell, but rather the words of the Bible are put in the position of conveying their own authority and meaning.

We’ve been going out on London Road to talk to people and invite them to take up this offer. We’ve been very encouraged by the amount of interest and the number of positive responses.

If you would like to take up this offer, please contact us.